Chorionic Villus Sampling

Khalil Tabsh, MD -  - Obstetrician

Maternal & Fetal Medicine Center of Southern California, Inc.

Khalil Tabsh, MD

Obstetrician & Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist located in Santa Monica, CA

Chorionic villus sampling offers valuable information about your growing baby, particularly if you have certain risk factors for your baby developing a genetic disease or congenital disability. At Maternal & Fetal Medicine Center of Southern California, Inc. in Santa Monica, California, Khalil Tabsh, MD, reviews your medical and family history to determine if this screening test is appropriate for you. Call the office to learn the full range of pregnancy screening tests you should receive during pregnancy.

Chorionic Villus Sampling Q & A

What are chorionic villi?

Chorionic villi are tiny parts of the placenta that form from the fertilized egg. They have the same genes as your baby, so analysis of a sample of chorionic villi reveals potential abnormalities in a growing fetus.

Who is a candidate for chorionic villus sampling?

If you’re at risk for having a baby with a congenital disability or genetic disease, Dr. Tabsh may recommend chorionic villus sampling. The screening allows for problems to be detected early in pregnancy so that you can decide on the best possible treatment and care. Women who should consider the test include:

  • Women who are 35 or older at delivery
  • Couples who have a child with a congenital disability already
  • Couples with a family history of a congenital disability
  • Pregnant women with other abnormal genetic test results
  • The presence of a chromosomal abnormality or genetic disease in either parent

Chorionic villus sampling is possible earlier in pregnancy than amniocentesis, and you get results in as few as 10 days. This gives you, the mother, more information about how to proceed with the pregnancy should abnormal results present. The decision to have the test is entirely up to the parents.

What abnormalities can chorionic villus sampling detect?

Chorionic villus sampling can help Dr. Tabsh identify several potential issues with your baby, including:

  • Down syndrome
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Tay-Sachs disease
  • Sickle cell anemia

Chorionic villus sampling is 98% accurate when it comes to diagnosing chromosomal defects. It’s also an accurate way to find out your baby’s gender.

What are the potential risks associated with chorionic villus sampling?

Chorionic villus sampling has a slightly higher risk of causing miscarriage as compared to amniocentesis. This is because the test is performed early in pregnancy. Infection is also a possibility. You’re usually advised not to get the test before you’re 10 weeks pregnant to ensure the safety of the fetus.  

If you have a family history of congenital disabilities or your baby is at risk of chromosomal abnormalities, call Maternal & Fetal Medicine Center of Southern California, Inc. today. Set up a consultation today to find out which type of screening is right for you.